Thursday, June 5, 2008

New Listing: Ladybugs!

I just listed this necklace on etsy. The whole inspiration for this piece came last summer when my mom was visiting and we took a workshop in Lampwork beadmaking. I made three beads that looked like ladybugs. And yes, it took me practically a year to get around to making the necklaces! I actually like this one a tiny bit better than the one I made for myself with my lampwork beads-- I went a little crazy with the length on mine, so I'm thinking of redoing it. This one is a good length for most people, and who doesn't like ladybugs?

I also took the time and redid some of my pictures that didn't turn out quite as well as I'd like. We have a beautiful sunny day today, so the colors should come out nicely.

While I was at it, I took some pictures of the front garden for posterity before the bunny family completely desecrates it. They're working their way from my neighbor's side over to mine and they aren't afraid of anything. The really exciting thing is our tree we planted a year and a half ago is blooming for the first time! Its a tree lilac and smells divine.


Anonymous said...

I love the smell of lilacs!! Your gardens look fab!!

Tif said...

Love the ladybug necklace set!!