Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Operation Birthday Surprise a Success!

My husband is turning 35 this week. Because it is also Thanksgiving, I decided to have his birthday celebration last weekend. What do you get someone that has just about everything and really doesn't need anything (except a new car, but, not a real need, more of a want)? I got him friends. I managed to persuade Tracy and Martin, our friends whom we haven't seen since their wedding last year to come for a surprise visit. And I was able to get two tickets to the OSU/Michigan game (cold!!!) so they could go to the game with us. It was way awesome, despite the frustration. I'll have to think of some way to top this, I don't know if I can since he said that it was the best birthday present ever.
Anyway, I'm pretty tired from all the partying. And I'm really ready for some turkey and pumkin pie.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Has it really been almost a month since my last post?

I guess it has! Time flies when you're having fun, and fall seems to be the busiest time of the year. We've had football games to go to, we were in California for a week for an eye conference and visit with the family. I got a great sinus infection while we were out there (I think I can honestly say that I don't ever remember coughing up GREEN phlegm...until now) And we've been getting ready for new hardwood floors. We have a lot of stuff.

This weekend, we had our contractor friend Jon install the floors, and they look amazing! We picked a Brazillian Cherry wood. Today I touched up the baseboards with paint, and we moved the furniture back into the room. Again, we have a lot of stuff!

So, I haven't been working on too many artistic endevors. I have a baby blanket that I've been piecing together and that's been taking up most of my craft time. (can't post pictures as it's for Caitlin!) Once I get that together, I have the urge to make some more critters.

Eric's birthday is at the end of the month, I've been busy planning his birthday surprise. That's taken a lot more energy that I thought it would. Mainly because I don't really know what to get him, and he hasn't been terribly helpful with hints.