Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Pretty Pumpkins!

On Saturday, I had my blown glass pumpkin workshop! There is a glass studio in Columbus called Glass Axis that provides classes and workshops in all sorts of glassmaking techniques. For the workshops, you don't need any previous experience to participate, and you get to bring home a pretty cool piece of glass. I ended up having a private lesson, so I was able to make two pumpkins!
The first one is a pretty traditional pumpkin, and the second one, well, who wouldn't want a funky purple pumpkin? the base is a blue/violet opaque with orange speckles overlayed...
Definitely not your run of the mill pumpkin! I signed up for a few more workshops in the next few months. I really enjoyed it, and I'm thinking of taking some classes in it. You can never have too many hobbies, right?


Tif said...

These are amazing!! They are gorgeous. I so wish I could go to these classes with you. How fun!! LOVE THEM!!!

TheresaJ said...

Wow, these are gorgeous!!! I envy you. I've been looking for a glass workshop in my area without any luck. I've even thought of taking a weekend trip to another location just to take a class. And the two bead shops that offered various classes on all sorts of jewelry related items, including the one where I took metalsmithing classes and where I attended free open studio nights have both just closed in the last month - due to the economy. Anyway, your pumpkins are gorgeous! Hope to see more glass treasures soon.

By the way, nice to make your acquaintance. :)

- Theresa

Earmark Social said...

those pumpkins are perfect! That must be so much fun!!

Tami said...

That is so totally cool! Next time I visit I may just let you drag me over there...or maybe I should see if the glass studio in Benicia does workshops (what a novel concept!)

Moriah said...

I would love visitors!! And I would take you to the glass studio!