Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I've Been Framed...

A few weeks ago, a good friend and I went to the Columbus Art Fair. She was on a quest to find a piece of artwork to go over the fireplace, and I tagged along to see the local talent. I ended up buying four pieces, and she ended up buying a print for another room in her house. Anyway, I framed them this weekend, and actually hung two of them, along with the prints from Santa Cruz I think I bought last January, framed them when I got home, and couldn't get Eric to help me hang them! The doors are hanging in our landing. They are so colorful! And the really cool thing about them is there is depth to them buy layering different parts of the photo-- its pretty awesome.
These are going to be in our bedroom-- the one on the left are prints of dandelion fluff, the other is hydrangeas.

These are hanging in the guest room. I have a bunch of San Fransico National Parks prints by the same graphic artist hanging around the room. These four are from Santa Cruz county parks.

1 comment:

Beat Black said...

love em. the dandelion fluffs are my favorite of them all :)