Thursday, August 28, 2008

Bathing Scarlett

We've had some pretty low key weekends lately, and I've been feeling really lazy. Because of that, I really haven't had anything too exciting to post. Yes, I'm excited about Buckeye Football starting this weekend, but it also means that summer is over, and other than going to our friends' wedding in July, I didn't take any time off from work, and I think I'm a little cranky about that. So, next summer, definitely taking some sort of vacation! Or, people could come and visit...

Anyway, I digress! The highlight of last weekend was giving Scarlett, our fur child, a bath. Yes, I know, its kind of sad that this is how exciting my weekends have been lately! My parents always think that I do nothing but go out with friends, have friends over, etc, but we haven't even had an impromptu Wii party lately! (well, it was finals week for Eric) We usually give Scarlett a bath a couple times a year. She loves playing up in the basement crawlspace, so she gets kind of dusty and musty smelling even though she is very fastidious about cleaning herself (and sleeping). So, we bathe the cat. She actually does pretty well for a cat getting soaked, although this time she was a lot more vocal about her dislike of bathtime. Her fur is soft to begin with, but after her bath, its incredibly soft like rabbit fur. And she gets very snuggly too. She spent the entire afternoon on my lap afterwards.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Glass is Fun!

I had my second glass workshop on Saturday! This time, it was dichroic glass pendants. These are basically layers of glass sandwiched between two pieces of glass and fused in a kiln. I so totally want a kiln now! I think that will have to wait until we have a house with a bigger garage, (or a workshop?) and it can go right next to the potter's wheel I want too... :)
Anyway, these are the three pieces I made, and I plan to wire wrap them and make them into pendants.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

OSU Sunday

Today I spent the day on my neighbor Christie's deck playing with beads! It was a totally gorgeous day and I was happy hanging out being creative and working on some of my OSU Buckeye baubles. We were pretty productive; Christie fixed a bracelet, made a pair of earrings, and made a new bracelet for her 5 year old neice (whose wrist is about 3/4 inches smaller than mine!). I finished a couple of earrings, made a necklace, a crocheted bracelet and a scarlet and gray daisy bracelet.

Then we both worked on a fringed yo-yo bead pendant. I've been trying to figure out how to get the beads to stay tight, and I swear you need ten hands to do so!