Hope everyone had a great weekend! I feel like I need a weekend from my weekend!
First of all, I'd like to wish Caitlin a very happy 4th of July Birthday (kind of belated!)
We were pretty busy this weekend, which is kind of unusual since I don't think we have as big of a social life as my mom thinks we do. Of course, most of the time when I call her, we've just done something cool, or going to do something cool, so it gives an impression of having a very exciting social calendar.
On Friday, we went to a 4th of July party (fitting, since it was on the 4th!) where we watched the Doodah parade and played Rock Band. Which led to Eric running out to buy Rock Band for the Wii (Tif, I can't even blame you for this one!:) ) We did our usual Friday night dinner with our friends Harold and Megumi, and played Rock Band.
Saturday, I saw Wall-E with our neighbor Christie (great movie!) and we had our friends Scott and Mary over to play (what else?) Rock Band. I'm actually getting pretty good at playing the drums (on easy!)
Sunday, we went out to Dayton and did another 20 mile bike ride with or friends Cara and Nicky.
So, a very fun-filled and busy weekend!
Next weekend, Washington DC!